Oct 1, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Optoelectronic manipulation of bio-droplets containing cells or macromolecules by active ferroelectric platforms Andrés Puerto; José L. Bella; Carmen López-Fernández et àl.. Biomedical Optics Express 12, 6601 (Oct 2021)Sep 30, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Laser Refrigeration by an Ytterbium-Doped NaYF4 Microspinner Ortiz-Rivero, E; Prorok, K; Martin, IR et ál.. Small 17, 2103122 (Sep 2021)Sep 29, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Evidence of Skyrmion-Tube Mediated Magnetization Reversal in Modulated Nanowires Berganza, E; Marques-Marchan, J; Bran, C et ál.. Materials 14, 5671 (Sep 2021)Sep 28, 2021 | Events, Summer School
Summer School 2021 Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem XXVII International Summer School ‘Nicolás Cabrera’ Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Sept. 5-10, 2021 GROUP PHOTO PHOTO GALLERY La...