Jul 22, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Paper-based broadband flexible photodetectors with van der Waals materials Mahmoodi, E.; Amiri, M.H.; Salimi, A. et al.. Scientific Reports 12, 12585 (Jul 2022)Jul 21, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Interfacial Exchange Phenomena Driven by Ferromagnetic Domains Manuel Diez, J. ; Cunado, JLF; Lapa, P et al.. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, 2200331 (Jul 2022) Jul 20, 2022 | News, News about Publications
2,7- and 4,9-Dialkynyldihydropyrene Molecular Switches: Syntheses, Properties, and Charge Transport in Single-Molecule Junctions Roemer, M.; Gillespie, A.; Jago, D. et al.. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 12698 (Jul 2022)Jul 20, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Theory of drift-enabled control in nonlocal magnon transport de-la-Pena, S.; Schlitz, R.; Velez, S. et al.. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 295801 (Jul 2022)Jul 11, 2022 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: The Physics of Self-Assembly 20 July at 12h00 Facultad de Ciencias, Módulo 00, sala de conferencias. Abstract: The Physics of Self-Assembly Natural systems use self-assembly as a route to create exquisite structures and living systems. Here, I will talk about...