division fisica de la materia condensada



Paris, Madrid, November 11th, 2019

Re : Reminder : call for Minicolloquia proposals at CMD28 / CMD 2020 GEFES Dear Prof. , dear , Minicolloquia (or topical sessions) organised by the members of the European condensed matter physics community are one of the keys to the considerable success of the general conferences of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society – be it CMD25 – Condensed Matter in Paris (2014), CMD26 – Groningen 2016,  or CMD 27 – the Joint conference of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions. Minicolloquia are three- hour long sessions covering a broad topic of large actual interest. They are a unique opportunity to gather your community in the framework of a large, continent-wide Condensed Matter physics conference, that takes care of all logistical aspects. All you need to do is to take care of the programme. Popular minicolloquia usually span over several sessions over several days of the conference. At EPS – CMD, we are now working enthousiastically with the Condensed Matter Division / GEFES of the Royal Spanish Physical Society / RSEF on CMD28. This will take place from August 31st through September 4th, 2020, as CMD 2020 GEFES “Condensed Matter in Madrid”. It is therefore high time to set up the minicolloquia that will constitute the bulk of the programme. An attractive programme of plenary and semi-plenary speakers has already been constituted. You are kindly reminded that you, too, may to propose a Mini-colloquium / Focused Session at CMD2020GEFES (two earlier calls were published in the monthly EPS-CMD Newsletter). For this, you may use the online form available on the conference web site, or send the form below by email to the conference organizers. You are also reminded of good practices, summarized in the Call for Minicolloquia below, and in the Minicolloquium Charter. The deadline is November 15th, 2019 (A one week extension will be granted if needed). CMD conferences cover all of condensed matter physics on a European and global scale, and are the ideal venue for presentation and discussion of the latest and most timely topics. With the infrastructure and environment provided by the conference, session organizers can focus on the scientific content of their colloquia and on collegial discussion. We are looking forward to your proposals. For the EPS Condensed Matter Board and RSEF – GEFES,

Plenary Speaker


Kees van der Beek EPS – CMD Chair eps.cmd@gmail.com

María José Calderón RSEF – GEFES chair gefes.rsef@gmail.com



The following speakers have confirmed their participation in CMD 2020 GEFES :

Nuno Araujo (Lisbon, Portugal)

Stefano Baroni (Trieste, Italy)

Maria Grazia Betti (Rome, Italy)

Hélène Bouchiat (Université Paris-Saclay, France)

Seamus Davis (University of Oxford, U.K.)

Roel Dullens (University of Oxford, U.K.)

Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

María García-Parajo (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)

Francisco J. García-Vidal (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

Tomáš Jungwirth (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Eugene Mele (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Penn Arts and Sciences, USA)

Beatriz Noheda (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)

Michelle Simmons (Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Australia


CMD2020GEFES – Condensed Matter in Madrid is an international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics, including soft condensed matter, liquid physics, biophysics, materials science, quantum physics and quantum simulators, low temperature physics, quantum fluids, strongly correlated materials, semiconductor physics, magnetism, surface and interface physics, electronic, optical, structural, and mechanical properties of materials, acoustics, and disordered media. An important place will be granted to interdisciplinary topics as well as to the development of research infrastructure in Europe.   The scientific programme will consist of a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks and Mini-colloquia. Within each Mini-colloquium, there will be invited lectures, oral contributions and posters.

The scientific programme will consist of a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks and Mini-colloquia. Within each Mini-colloquium, there will be invited lectures, oral contributions and posters.

CMD2020GEFES is jointly organized by the Condensed Matter Division (CMD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) and the Spanish Solid State Division (GEFES), which is part of the Spanish Royal Physical Society (RSEF).

CMD2020GEFES is the next in the series of biennial EPS-CMD conferences, the last of which were held respectively in Paris (2014), Groningen (2016) and Berlin (2018). The meeting will be held from August 31st through September 4th, 2020, in the premises of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain.

The largest and most important part of the CMD2020GEFES programme is the Mini-colloquia that will gather specific scientific communities. Mini-colloquia will have the same format and modus operandi as at the previous EPS-CMD conferences. Mini-colloquia resemble Focus Sessions at similar meetings. Typically, a Mini-colloquium will start with an introductory or overview talk on the subject at hand, followed by invited talks on major advances in the last two years, and shorter contributed talks. A Mini-colloquium also comprises posters, which will be presented in dedicated posters sessions. Mini-colloquia sessions concern the oral part of the programme. A Mini-colloquium may comprise one or several sessions of 2 hours duration.

You are kindly invited to propose a Mini-colloquium in your domain of scientific interest.

  • All condensed matter physicists active in Europe may submit a proposal for a Mini-colloquium.
  • The proposal must emanate from a minimum of two, and a maximum of four organizers. Organizers have to be from different laboratories. The organizing team must comprise at least one organizer from Spain, and, at least, one European organizer from another country than Spain.
  • Please use the imposed format for a Mini-colloquium proposal. This includes the organizers with their affiliation and contact info in the header, a brief description of the subject area to be addressed, and a short motivation of why the proposal is timely. The total should not exceed one page.
  • A Mini-colloquium at CMD2020GEFES grants the occasion to organise a scientific meeting of the community in which you are active, without the worry of logistic constraints. These will be taken care of by the local organisers of CMD2020GEFES. You may thus concentrate entirely on the scientific programme.
  • In particular, European research networks are strongly encouraged to seize the opportunity to organize a Mini-colloquium as a means to hold a scientific meeting.
  • A Mini-colloquium should present a topic that is of sufficient interest, so as to gather between a few dozen to over a hundred people. It is therefore very important to define a sufficiently broad theme, open to related topics as well as to worldwide activity in the field.


  • You may submit your proposal for a Mini-colloquium until November 15th, 2019, by sending the filled form to cmd2020gefes@uam.es, or by completing the online form.

  The proposals will be refereed by the Programme Committee of CMD2020GEFES, who will contact you regarding acceptance a few weeks later. The Board may also propose to merge closely-related Mini-colloquia.   The Programme Committee of CMD2020GEFES may ask you to broaden, narrow, or reorient the topics and scope of your proposed Mini-colloquium, or to merge your proposal with another, received from colleagues, in case of overlap.   We look forward to your submission!   The organizers of CMD2020GEFES.

Appendix I : Mini-colloquium Proposal Form

To be returned via email (cmd2020gefes@uam.es)

Organizer 1 :

Name :
Institution :
City :
Country :
Email :
Telephone number :

Organizer 2 :
Name :
Institution :
City :
Country :
Email :
Telephone number :

Organizer 3 :
Name :
Institution :
City :
Country :
Email :
Telephone number :

Organizer 4 :
Name :
Institution :
City :
Country :
Email :
Telephone number :

Description of the Proposed Mini-colloquium (1/2 page):

Estimated Audience (who & how many would attend):

Motivation  (a few lines) :

Appendix II : Mini-colloquia Charter

Submitting a proposal for a Mini-colloquium engages you, should your proposal be retained, to register for CMD2020GEFES, and to be present on the day(s) of your Mini-colloquium. As all participants, we warmly invite you to attend CMD2020GEFES for the length of the Conference.

What will be the operational mode of the Mini-colloquia? What will you have to do?
You will be responsible for the Mini-colloquium’s progamme. This will be harmonized with the rest of CMD2020GEFES programme through the definition of 15 min time slots. Talks can take up a single slot (short talk), or two slots (long talk). Related Poster presentations will be the object of separate poster sessions. The time allotted to Mini-colloquia in the programme thus represents that dedicated to oral presentations and discussion.

The duration of a Mini-colloquium session shall be no less than 2 hours. You may choose speakers from those registered participants at CMD2020GEFES that have proposed a contribution relevant to the topic of your Mini-colloquium. You may also directly solicit persons of your choice, who should, however, register for the meeting. CMD2020GEFES cannot take it upon itself to fund travel, accommodation, or registration charges for Mini-colloquium participants. However, should your Mini-colloquium be sponsored by an existing research body or agency, you may of course use that body or agency’s funding.

You should see to it that your Mini-colloquium proceeds in a regular manner, without contributions overrunning the allotted time, or participants monopolizing the discussion. For this, you should appoint a chairperson. The local organisation committee of CMD2020GEFES will be responsible for all things material as well as logistics.

A few recommendations
Do not limit the number of contributors too much and do not programme too many long talks – the purpose of the Mini-colloquia is not to allot supplementary semi-plenary talks. Do have the non-specialist in mind – it is good practice to program an introductory talk, and to ask the speakers to properly introduce their work, avoiding jargon or too much technical language.

The official language of CMD2020GEFES will be English.

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