Title: Room temperature superconductivity: state of the art When: Friday 2 December at 12.00h Where: Sala de conferencias, módulo 00. Facultad de Ciencias Abstract: In recent years a relatively large number of publications in journals of high-level citations (Nature,...
Title: The Physics of Self-Assembly 20 July at 12h00 Facultad de Ciencias, Módulo 00, sala de conferencias. Abstract: The Physics of Self-Assembly Natural systems use self-assembly as a route to create exquisite structures and living systems. Here, I will talk about...
Title: Thermal transport and quasi-particle hydrodynamics 06 March at 12h30 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 0, sala de conferencias Friday 06 March, 12h30 Abstract: Heat travels in solids thanks to mobile electrons and phonons, collective vibrations of atoms. Even in a...
Title: Quantum thermodynamics and calorimetry in nano-electronic circuits 03 December at 12h00 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 3, 5th floor, sala de seminarios Tuesday 03 December, 12h00 Abstract: I will present our work at Aalto University on thermodynamics of...
Title: From Skyrmions to Majoranas: Nanoscience Inspired by Particle Physics Theory 22 November at 12h 30 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 3, 5th floor, sala de seminarios Friday 22 November, 12h30 Abstract: Facultad de Ciencias, modulo 03, 5th floor, sala de seminarios...
Title: Visualization of spatial modulation and persistent response states of strongly-driven membrane resonators 25 March, 12h30 Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Abstract: Visualization of spatial modulation and persistent response states...