Jul 11, 2022 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: The Physics of Self-Assembly 20 July at 12h00 Facultad de Ciencias, Módulo 00, sala de conferencias. Abstract: The Physics of Self-Assembly Natural systems use self-assembly as a route to create exquisite structures and living systems. Here, I will talk about...May 18, 2022 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Seminario Instituto Nicolás Cabrera Jueves, 19 de Mayo de 2022, 16h30 Sala de seminarios, módulo 03, planta 5 Impact of atomic defects in the electronic states of FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_{x}$ superconducting crystals Yanina Fasano Low Temperature Lab and Instituto Balseiro,...Mar 11, 2022 | Events, Summer School
Summer School 2022 Physics of Biological Systems: From Emergent Collective behaviors to Functional Materials Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Sept. 2-7, 2022 Program. The program will consist of invited lectures, as well as oral contributions and a poster session. A...Dec 14, 2021 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 17 December 2021. The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those PhD students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at...Sep 28, 2021 | Events, Summer School
Summer School 2021 Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem XXVII International Summer School ‘Nicolás Cabrera’ Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Sept. 5-10, 2021 GROUP PHOTO PHOTO GALLERY La...Jan 23, 2021 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers meeting will be held online on 28 Thursday 2021. The meeting is organised in four sessions starting at 9:15 and finishing at 13:30. The Zoom links to the sessions are the following: Sessions I and II: Talks from the INC Young researchers Zoom...