Title: Thermal transport and quasi-particle hydrodynamics 06 March at 12h30 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 0, sala de conferencias Friday 06 March, 12h30 Abstract: Heat travels in solids thanks to mobile electrons and phonons, collective vibrations of atoms. Even in a...
To register, please fill out the following form before August 20th. Please indicate if you want to apply for one scholarship to waive the registration fee (500€), which covers attendance to the school, accommodation at “La Cristalera”, meals, and coffee breaks, as...
The Young Researchers meeting will take place in Miraflores de la Sierra, on Thursday 19 December 2019. A bus will depart from the Campus at 08h15. Arrival at the Campus after the meeting is expected around 18h00. Please write to inc@uam.es if you want to join us....
Title: Quantum thermodynamics and calorimetry in nano-electronic circuits 03 December at 12h00 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 3, 5th floor, sala de seminarios Tuesday 03 December, 12h00 Abstract: I will present our work at Aalto University on thermodynamics of...
Title: From Skyrmions to Majoranas: Nanoscience Inspired by Particle Physics Theory 22 November at 12h 30 Facultad de Ciencias, módulo 3, 5th floor, sala de seminarios Friday 22 November, 12h30 Abstract: Facultad de Ciencias, modulo 03, 5th floor, sala de seminarios...
Title: Visualization of spatial modulation and persistent response states of strongly-driven membrane resonators 25 March, 12h30 Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Abstract: Visualization of spatial modulation and persistent response states...