Feb 12, 2018 | News, Young Researchers
Objective To promote excellent work of the young scientists of the Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC), by recognizing main young authors of publications of the INC. Eligibility The publication has to include at least one member of the INC, and “Instituto...Apr 5, 2017 | News, Young Researchers
Awarded ex aequo to: Alejandro Gómez Tornero for his work “2D Arrays of Hexagonal Plasmonic Necklaces for Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation” made in collaboration with the INC members Luisa Bausá Lópezz and Mariola Ramirez and published in Advanced Materials...Oct 14, 2016 | News, Young Researchers
Awarded ex aequo to: Héctor Gonzalez Herrero for his work “Atomic-Scale control of graphene magnetism by using hydrogen atoms” made in collaboration with the INC members José María Rodriguez, Iván Brihuega and Felix Yndurain, and published in Science 352,...Mar 3, 2015 | News, Young Researchers
Awarded to: Antonio Lara Cala for his work “Microwave-stimulated superconductivity due to presence of vórtices” made in collaboration with the INC member Farkhad Aliev, and published in Scientific Reports 5, 9187, (2015). Special mention to Rubén Seoane...May 7, 2014 | News, Young Researchers
Awarded to: Tomás Pérez Castañeda for his work “Two-Level Systems and Boson Peak Remain Stable in 110-Million-Year-Old Amber Glass” made in collaboration with the INC member Miguel Ángel Ramos, and published in Physical Review Letters 112, 165901 (2014). Special...Mar 4, 2013 | News, Young Researchers
Awarded to: Carlos Antón for his work “Energy Relaxation of exciton-polariton”, made in collaboration with the member of the INC Luis Viña. L. Martínez Maestro receives a special mention for the outstanding quality of the work she submitted to the prize. Objective To...