Jun 21, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Fluorescence enhancement based on plasmonic nanoparticle structures on ferroelectric platforms for bioimaging applications Puerto A., López-Fernández C.; Bella J.L.; et ál.. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 11786, 117861V...Jun 21, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Bio-droplet manipulation and characterization by ferroelectric photovoltaic platforms Puerto A., Torres E.; Carrascosa M.; et ál.. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 11786, 117860V (Jun 2021)Jun 8, 2021 | News, News about Publications
A multi-technique approach to understanding delithiation damage in LiCoO2 thin films Salagre E.; Quílez S.; de Benito R. et ál. Scientific Reports 11, 12027 (Jun 2021)Jun 6, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Kinetics of intrinsic stress in nanocrystalline films Vasco, E.; Ramírez-Peral, M.J.; Jacas-Rodríguez, A. and Polop, C. Scripta Materialia 202, 114015 (Jun 2021)Jun 1, 2021 | News, News about Publications
Built-up AFM tips by metal nanoclusters engineering Jimenez-Sanchez, Mariano D.; Brihuega, Ivan; Nicoara, Nicoleta; et ál.. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 550, 149325 (Jun 2021)May 27, 2021 | News, Research awards for physics students
The winners of this issue have been: Marcos Arranz Jimenéz Sebastián de la Peña Ruiz Francisco J. Fernández Alonso Clara Galante Agero Alejandro Lasso Castillo Juan Lizarraga Lallana Aim The Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC) calls for 6 awards provided by the Condensed...