Sep 22, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Combinatorial nanoparticle patterns assembled by photovoltaic optoelectronic tweezers Sebastian-Vicente, C.; Remacha-Sanz, P.; Elizechea-Lopez, E. et al.. Applied Physics Letters 121, 121104 (Sep 2022)Sep 20, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Dynamic bonding influenced by the proximity of adatoms to one atom high step edges Dednam, W.; Tewari, S.; Lombardi, E.B. et al.. Physical Review B 106, 125418 (Sep 2022)Sep 15, 2022 | News, News about Summer School
On the ocassion of the “Nicolas Cabrera” Summer School, the FBBVA has issued two interviews to Prof. David Weitz from Harvard University and Prof. Monica Olvera de la Cruz from Northwestern University: “Champú, lasaña y vacunas contra el Covid: por...Sep 15, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Nonlocal quantum heat engines made of hybrid superconducting devices Tabatabaei, S.M., Sánchez, D., Yeyati, A.L. and Sánchez, R. Physical Review B 106, 115419 (Sep 2022)Sep 9, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Phase-tunable electron transport assisted by odd-frequency Cooper pairs in topological Josephson junctions Cayao, J.; Dutta, P.; Burset, P. and -Schaffer, A.M.B. Physical Review B 106, L100502 (Sep 2022)Sep 8, 2022 | News, News about Publications
Phonon Structure, Infra-Red and Raman Spectra of Li2MnO3 by First-Principles Calculations Pulido, R., Naveas, N., Martin-Palma R.J. et al.. Materials 15, 6237 (Sep 2022)