Sep 11, 2013 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those Ph D students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at the Institute Nicolás Cabrera. (Program).Sep 11, 2012 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those Ph D students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at the Institute Nicolás Cabrera. (Program). – Augusto Galvis (pdf doc) – Carlos Antón (pdf doc) – J. Hernández-Montelongo (pdf doc)...Mar 28, 2012 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
Seminar of the Young Researchers at INC. This meeting is weekly organized by young researchers at Nicolas Cabrera Institute and informs the audience about the updates in their research projects. Meeting is followed by an informal discussion session where Researchers...Sep 11, 2011 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those Ph D students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at the Institute Nicolás Cabrera. (Program). – Introducción (pdf doc) – Spano (pdf doc) – Albrecht (pdf doc)...Sep 11, 2010 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those Ph D students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at the Institute Nicolás Cabrera. (Program).Sep 11, 2009 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting is dedicated to those Ph D students and young doctors whose research work has been or is being performed at the Institute Nicolás Cabrera. (Program).