
Colloquium INC 2018: "When light goes small"

Colloquium INC 2018: "When light goes small"

Title: When light goes small, Prof. Dr. Javier Aizpurúa, Center for Materials Physics San Sebastián, DIPC 19 November, 12h30 Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Abstract: Electronic excitations and vibrations of molecules can be efficiently...

Colloquium INC 2017: Droplets of Quantum Physics

Colloquium INC 2017: Droplets of Quantum Physics

Title: Droplets of Quantum Physics or Why Helium is The  Superelement J. Peter Toennies Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Am Fassberg 10, 37077 Göttingen, Germany When: 25 april 2017, 12.00h Where: Sala de conferencias, módulo 0 Abstract: Helium...

Colloquium INC 2017: Materials, Energy and Life

Colloquium INC 2017: Materials, Energy and Life

Title: Materials, Energy and Life:  Entertaining Aspects of High Magnetic Field Research Greg Boebinger, Professor of Physics, Florida State University and University of Florida; Director, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory When: 27 march 2017, 15h00 Where: Sala...