VII  International Summer School   “Nicolás Cabrera”

Imaging and Manipulation of Matter at the Nanometer Scale

Residencia La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain)
11-15 September, 2000

F. Flores
M. Salmerón

R. Pérez (UAM) / P. de Andres (ICMM-CSIC)


The school will consist of a pedagogical introduction and talks about recent developments in scanning probe microscopies (STM,AFM) and related problems like: manipulation of atoms and molecules, chemical reactivity, friction, nanocontacts, SNOM and BEEM.
Our aim is to provide a broad forum of discussion of recent problems in the field, in a way accessible and useful to young students, as well as to stimulate discussions among theoreticians and experimentalists.


This International School is primarily addressed to young researchers from the field of Condensed Matter, including Materials Science and other fields of Surface Science. The maximum number of participants is 80, including about 20 invited lecturers, international experts in each matter. Some scholarships will be provided for students (covering full board and lodging at the Residence) their number depending on the financial support finally obtained.


Theory of STM and AFM
Atomic and Molecular Manipulation
Chemical Reactivity
AFM and Biology
Nanowires and Nanocontacts
Kondo effect and Superconductivity

N. Agrait Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
A. Baratoff University of Basel, Switzerland
A. Baro Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
L.D. Bell Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Caltech, USA
F.Besenbacher CAMP-University of Aarhus, Denmark
D. Eigler IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
C.F.J. Flipse Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
H. Gaub Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitat Munchen, Germany
J.K. Gimzewski IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
H. von Kanel ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
J. Krim North Carolina State University, USA
M.C. Payne University of Cambridge, UK
A. Martin-Rodero Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
B. Persson Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany
M. Persson Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
K.H. Rieder Frei Universitat Berlin, Germany
P.Sautet Scole Normale Superieure Lyon, France
P. Joyez CEA Saclay, France
S. Weiss Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
R. García Instituto de Microelectrónica, CSIC, Spain
T.S. Rahman Kansas State University, USA