XX Escuela Internacional de Verano “Nicolás Cabrera”


21-26 de Julio de 2013
Residencia La Cristalera, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid


Pedro José de Pablo Gómez
Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, C03
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
28043 Madrid Spain
Fernando Moreno-Herrero
Dept. Macromolecular Structures
Lab. B17-B-18
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC)
C/ Darwin, 3. 28049, Cantoblanco, Spain

Teléfono: 91 497 4689
Fax: 91 314 8734
e-mail: inc@uam.es



Most of what we know in chemistry and biology has been determined by bulk studies where billions of individual entities (molecules or molecular aggregates) are considered, providing averaged results. The usual approach is to assume that all the molecules are indistinguishable when performing their task, although this is often not the case. Biochemical processes are likely to be highly asynchronous and intermediate states will be poorly populated. Moreover, some physical magnitudes such as forces or intermolecular distances are hardly accessible using bulk techniques. The development of single-molecule approaches opened the possibility of observing individual molecules and to measure properties that otherwise were impossible to obtain from an undifferentiated ensemble. The main goal of this school is to give an introduction to both theoretical and experimental single-molecule approaches to solve a number of biological problems. There will be dedicated sessions to atomic force microscopy, optical and magnetic tweezers, single-molecule fluorescence techniques as well as a full day dedicated to theoretical approaches to biology. Therefore, this summer school is intended for biologists, experimental and theoretical physicists willing to get a dive in the exciting field of single-molecule biophysics.


El programa incluye lecciones en los siguientes temas:

• Atomic Force Microscopy
• Optical and Magnetic tweezers
• Single-molecule fluorescence techniques
• Theory on soft matter.
• Single Molecule applications: DNA packing, Virus assembly, etc…


Pinche en el nombre de cada conferenciante para descargar la respectiva ponencia (formato pdf).
Los contenidos de las clases no se pueden usar sin el permiso expreso del autor.

Philip Nelson
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Toshio Ando
Kanazawa University, Japan

Erwin Peterman
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Felix Ritort
Universtitat de Barcelona, Spain

Ulrich Keyser
University of Cambridge, UK

Urs Greber
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Fred MacKintosh
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Daniel Müller
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Ricardo Garcia
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (ICMM-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Rudolf Podgornik
Dept. of Theoretical Physics. Institut “Jožef Stefan”,Slovenija

Melike Lakadamyaly
The Institut of Photonic Sciences ICFO, Barcelona

Jan Lipfert
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Mauricio García-Mateu
Centro de Biología Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain

Iwan Schaap
Georg August Universität Friedrich Hund, Göttingen, Germany

Arvind Raman
Purdue University, USA

Wouter Roos
Vrije Unviersiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sergi Garcia-Manyes
King´s College London, UK

Carolina Carrasco
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Alessandro Podesta
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy

Francesco Mantegazza
Universita’ di Milano – Bicocca

Borja Ibarra
IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain

Ricardo Arias-Gonzalez
IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain

Abstract book 2013 (PDF)


Programa (click para descargar pdf)

Nota de prensa (click para acceder)