Colloquium INC 2024: “Superconductivity without quasiparticles”
Dec 10, 2024 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: Superconductivity without quasiparticles When: 18 December 2024, 12:30h Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Speaker: Jörg Schmalian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) Abstract: Superconductivity is abundant near quantum-critical points, where fluctuations suppress the formation of Fermi liquid...
Colloquium INC 2024: “Back to the Future: Beyond Li-ion batteries”
Nov 14, 2024 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: Back to the future: beyond Li-ion batteries When: 20 Nombember 2024, 12:30 Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Speaker: Rosa Palacín (ICMAB-CSIC) Abstract: Starting from a historical overview in the development of battery technologies, the talk will revisit current state-of-the-art in post-Li battery...
INC Young Researchers Meeting 2024
Oct 6, 2024 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 13 December 2024. The focus of the Young Researchers Meeting is on PhD students whose research work is being performed at the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera. We encourage all PhD students linked to Departments involved in the INC to participate in the...
Colloquium INC 2024: Ultrastable and anisotropic vapor-deposited glasses of organic semiconductors (Mark Ediger)
Oct 6, 2024 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: Ultrastable and anisotropic vapor-deposited glassed of organic semiconductors When: 14 October 2024, 12:30 Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Speaker: Mark Ediger (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Abstract: Glasses are generally regarded as disordered and the idea of “controlling” molecular packing in glasses...
Summer School 2024
Jun 19, 2024 | Events, Summer School
Registration: To make the registration, go to this web and click ENROLL. The registration fee of 550 € covers attendance at the school, accommodation at “La Cristalera” for five nights, all meals and coffee breaks, as well as the conference dinner and social activities. All participants are encouraged to present a contribution as a poster. A...
INC Young Researchers Meeting 2023
Dec 15, 2023 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 15 December 2023. The focus of the Young Researchers Meeting is on PhD students whose research work is being performed at the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera. We encourage all PhD students linked to Departments involved in the INC to participate in the...
Colloquium INC 2023: Utilizing spin and orbital angular momenta with superconductors
Nov 20, 2023 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: "Utilizing spin and orbital angular momenta with superconductors" When: 28 November 2023, 12:00 Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00, Facultad de Ciencias, UAM Abstract: In the field of superconducting spintronics, the aim is to use superconductors to either enhance spin-dependent phenomena compared to their behavior in the normal state...
Colloquium INC 2023: Searching for topological phases of matter and their electromagnetic signatures
Oct 15, 2023 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: "Searching for topological phases of matter and their electromagnetic signatures" When: 23 October 2023, 12:00 Where: Facultad de Ciencias, Sala de Grados, Módulo 8 Abstract: This talk starts by reviewing known examples of how topological materials generate new kinds of electrodynamic couplings and effects. One category of topological...
INC Young Researches Meeting 2022 – final announcement
Dec 16, 2022 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
As announced in a previous communication, The Young Researchers Meeting 2022 will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 16 December 2022. Interest in attending the Meeting has been enormous, and the Organising Committee wishes to thank all of you who have submitted contributions. By now young researchers with a...
Colloquium INC 2022: Room temperature superconductivity: state of the art
Nov 20, 2022 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: Room temperature superconductivity: state of the art When: Friday 2 December at 12.00h Where: Sala de conferencias, módulo 00. Facultad de Ciencias Abstract: In recent years a relatively large number of publications in journals of high-level citations (Nature, etc.) show that compounds with hydrogen under pressure could become...
INC Young Researchers Meeting 2022
Nov 3, 2022 | Events, Young Researchers Meeting
The Young Researchers Meeting will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 16 December 2022. The focus of the Young Researchers Meeting is on PhD students and young PhDs whose research work has been or is being performed at the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera. We encourage all students linked to the Departments involved in our...
Colloquium INC 2022: Tailoring the electronic properties of freestanding graphene
Oct 9, 2022 | Activities, Colloquia, Events
Title: Tailoring the electronic properties of freestanding graphene When: Friday 14 October at 12h 00 Where: Sala de conferencias, módulo 00. Facultad de Ciencias Abstract: "Tailoring the electronic properties of freestanding graphene: An exemplary training ground for 2D materials" One of the challenges of graphene exploitation is the...