Dear  All,

For the second talk of the current series of seminars, we have Anton speaking

about his stay at Prof. Canfield’s single crystal growth Laboratory, Ames Lab, USA.

Please find the announcement below.

We organize these seminars every Friday at 1.00 pm, but since next two Friday’s

are coinciding with holidays, lets have seminars on Tuesday 1.00 pm. This will

also help the speakers to organize their talks on Weekends.

If you enjoy participating in these seminars, please give us your inputs. 

Please visit the following weblink to learn about previous talks,



Next meeting:    26 Oct 2012      1.00-1.20 pm

SpeakerAntón Hernández 

Title: Low temperature studies in single crystal HoBi 

I will present my experience in the Ames Lab trying to give an idea what I have learned in my stay there. I will also show our results of the low temperature study of HoBi.