Awarded to: Antonio Lara Cala for his work “Microwave-stimulated superconductivity due to presence of vórtices” made in collaboration with the INC member Farkhad Aliev, and published in Scientific Reports 5, 9187, (2015).

Special mention to Rubén Seoane Souto for his work “Transient dynamics and waiting time distribution of molecular junctions in the polaronic regime” made in collaboration with the INC member Alfredo Levy-Yeyati, and published in Physical Review B 92, 125435 (2015).


To promote excellent work of the young scientists of the Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC), by recognizing two main young authors of one publication of the INC.




  • Candidates should be Early Stage Researcers (up to 5 yers after Master degree, or full time equivalent).
  • The publication has to incluede at least one permanent member of the INC, and “Instituto Nicolás Cabrera” in the adress or affiliation.
  • Date of the publication has to be between 01 November 2014 and 01 November 2015.
  • The publication wil be preented in a talk or a poster in the Young researchers meeting 2015 of the INC.
  • Two different candidates cannot preent the same publication.


Candidates should submit by email to, before 1 Novembre 2015:

  • An applicatin form available on the web of the INC. click here
  • One pdf file with the abstracts of all publications of the candidate, from november 2014.

The prizes

First prize:

  • 400 €
  • One grant, covering travel, accomodation and registration, to participate in an international conference of choice of the candidate, during 2016. The Director of the INC will write a letter to the organizers to recommend the candidate for an invited or plenary talk.

Second price

  • 100 €
  • A certificate

Award committee

The board of the INC wil choose three senior scientists, experts in Materials Science.

Award criteria

Scientific excellence of the work, future projection of the candidate, and opportunities for collaboration with industry or to generate new spin-offs.