Summer School Registration 2019

To register, please fill out the following form. The registration fee (400€) covers attendance to the school, accommodation at “La Cristalera”, meals, and coffee breaks, as well as the conference trip and dinner.

We will provide an adequate number of scholarships. Scholarships will include registration fee and thus full board. Please indicate if you want to request one and attach a brief CV in that case.

All participants are invited to present a poster, please include a title and short abstract if you are interested in doing so.

If you have any questions or if you experience any problem with the registration form, please contact us at (previous email will also remain active for the duration of the School).

Fields marked with (*) are required

Position (*)
 Prof. Dr. Student

Family Name (*)

First Name (*)

Your Email (*)

Institution (*)


Address (*)

Country (*)

Phone (*)


Special Meals (*)

Special Meals Type

Male / Female (*)
 Male Female

Arrival Date

Departure Date

Request scholarship? (*)

Upload brief CV (Max. 5 PDF pages / Max. size: 1MB)

Poster title

Upload Abstract (Max. 300 words in either MS-Word .doc or .docx)