Summer schools

The International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera”, financed by the Fundación BBVA, deals with current topics in Materials Science since 1994. The School is the meeting point for numerous scientists all over the world, which consider the School as one of the most important scientific events in frontier research of Materials Science.

The School is organized in the “La Cristalera” residence in Miraflores de la Sierra.

Summer School 2024

Summer School 2024

Registration: To make the registration, go to this web and click ENROLL. The registration fee of 550 € covers attendance at the school, accommodation at “La Cristalera” for five nights, all meals and coffee breaks, as well as the conference dinner and social...

Summer School 2021

Summer School 2021 Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem XXVII International Summer School ‘Nicolás Cabrera’ Ultrastable Glasses: New perspectives for an old problem Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Sept. 5-10, 2021 GROUP PHOTO PHOTO GALLERY La...