Summer schools
The International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera”, financed by the Fundación BBVA, deals with current topics in Materials Science since 1994. The School is the meeting point for numerous scientists all over the world, which consider the School as one of the most important scientific events in frontier research of Materials Science.
The School is organized in the “La Cristalera” residence in Miraflores de la Sierra.
Summer School 2021: Photos Real Fábrica de Vidrios y de Cristales de La Granja
Summer School 2021: Photos talks
Summer School 2021: Photos Poster session
Summer School 2021: Photos Opening session
Summer School 2021: Photos La Cristalera
Summer School 2021: Registration
To register, please fill out the following form before August 20th. Please indicate if you want to apply for one scholarship to waive the registration fee (500€), which covers attendance to the school, accommodation at “La Cristalera”, meals, and coffee breaks, as...
FBBVA issues a press release about the next N. Cabrera Summer School
FBBVA issues a press release about the next N. Cabrera Summer School, "El sueño de la superconductividad a temperatura ambiente protagoniza la XXVI Escuela Internacional de Verano ‘Nicolás Cabrera'" and "The dream of room-temperature superconductivity takes center...
Summer School 2019: Driving the road towards room temperature superconductivity with electronic interactions
XXVI International Summer School ‘Nicolás Cabrera’ Driving the road towards room temperature superconductivity with electronic interactions Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Sept. 8-13, 2019 Program and announcements Some of the talks are available as pdf files here:...
ICAM-I2CAM Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter; Long Summer days of research
Long Summer days of research QuantEMX invites applications for support for summer research collaborations. To apply for this funding 30th April Deadline. The application process is light and decisions will be made shortly. QuantEmX grants are available for short...
Summer school in Basics and Applications of Nanolithography
Summer school in Basics and Applications of Nanolithography Jaca, Spain. July 16th-18th, 2018. program here Registration will open soon via the link: