XXVII Young Researchers Meeting: A Great Success with about 80 Attendees
The XXVII edition of the Young Researchers Meeting organized by the Instituto Nicolás Cabrera (INC) was a resounding...
Winners of the “Chema Gómez- Rodriguez” young researchers awards 2024
1st prize: Angel Ibabe Avilés, with the publication: “Heat Dissipation Mechanisms in Hybrid...
XXX International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera” Review
The XXX International Summer School of the Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC) was held from September 2nd to 6th, 2024,...
Interview with professors Knauth and Talin on the occasion of the Summer School
The newspaper "El Mundo" has published the interview that professors Knauth and Talin gave due to the Nicolás Cabrera...
Colloquium INC 2024: “Superconductivity without quasiparticles”
Title: Superconductivity without quasiparticles When: 18 December 2024, 12:30h Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo 00,...
Colloquium INC 2024: “Back to the Future: Beyond Li-ion batteries”
Title: Back to the future: beyond Li-ion batteries When: 20 Nombember 2024, 12:30 Where: Sala de Conferencias, Módulo...
INC Young Researchers Meeting 2024
The Young Researchers Meeting will take place in “La Cristalera” (Miraflores de la Sierra) on Friday 13 December 2024....
Colloquium INC 2024: Ultrastable and anisotropic vapor-deposited glasses of organic semiconductors (Mark Ediger)
Title: Ultrastable and anisotropic vapor-deposited glassed of organic semiconductors When: 14 October 2024, 12:30...