The winners of this issue have been:
Fist prize:
Eva Cortés-del Rio et al, “Observation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States in Superconducting Graphene” Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2008113.
This work reports a major finding: the observation of YSR states at a structural defect (grain boundary) of a chemically pure system, without the need of any magnetic impurity. This publication will have a strong impact in at least two very active fields: 2D materials and mesoscopic superconductivity. Eva Cortés-del Rio carried out most of the experimental work, including complex instrumental development, and participated in the discussion of the results and the writing of the paper. This work was published in a reference journal in the area of Materials.
Second prize:
Elisa Ortiz-Rivero, “Laser Refrigeration by an Ytterbium-Doped NaYF4 Microspinner”, Small 2021, 21003122.
This work presents an original and elegant way to cool a liquid and measure the temperature, both at the micrometer scale. Cooling is achieved by driving anti-stokes ytterbium emission of an optically trapped microparticle and its damped rotational dynamics is used as a precise local thermometer. This technique should have a great impact in the field of microfluidics with applications in biophysics. Elisa Ortiz-Rivero carried out most of the experimental work and participated in the discussion of the results and the writing of the paper.
To promote excellent work of the young scientists of the Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC) by recognizing their contributions in high impact publications.
- The publication has to include at least one member of the INC, and “Instituto Nicolás Cabrera” must be in the affiliation.
- Date of the publication must be after 01 January 2020
- The candidate can be either a PhD student or a young post doc who has defended his/her PhD after 01 January 2020.
- Two different candidates cannot present the same publication.
First prize
- 1000 € (after taxes)
- A certificate
- Invited talk in the INC Young Researchers Meeting on 17 December 2021.
Second prize
- 500 € (after taxes)
- A certificate
- Invited talk in the INC Young Researchers Meeting on 17 December 2021.
Awards committee
The panel will be the scientific advisory committee of INC.
Award criteria
Relevance and impact of the publication to the state-of-the-art in the field. Significant contribution of the candidate to the published work.
Candidates should fill in the following form before 12 November 2021. It includes:
- One pdf file with the publication to be considered.
- A brief summary describing the applicant’s contribution to the work, relevance of the work in the field and outlook of the research.
[contact-form-7 id=”10970″ title=”Chema Gómez-Rodríguez Young Researchers Awards 2021″]