Title: Interactions between nanoemittors and plasmonic structures/ antennas and self organized gratings.
When: Thursday 28 de November, 12:00hWhere: Sala de seminarios del Dpto. de Física de Materiales. Módulo 04, 5ª planta
Speaker: Prof. Agnes Maitre, Institut des NanoSciences de ParisUniversité Pierre et Marie CurieParis
Semi-conductor colloidal nanocrystals, like CdSe/CdS nanocrystals are very bright emittors, working at room temperature and commonly used at individual scale as markers, of single photons sources for quantum information. Coupling of nanoemittors to a photonic environment has to be precisely controlled in order to efficiently optimize their emission properties as well as classical sources as single photon sources. In particular confinement has an influence on both lifetime and emission diagram.In this seminar, I will present first the emission properties of a single nanocrystal and then its interaction in far and near field with different plasmonic environment. We will show how the interaction between a single nanocrystal and a surface plasmon can be used in order to improve the quality of a photon source. For instance, a plasmonic self organized grating can be used in order to enhance the luminescence of nanoemittors set at its surface. A plasmonic patch antenna improves as well the dynamic and the directivity of the emission