Sep 6, 2013 | Activities, Events, Seminars
When: Tuesday 10 Septembre, 12h30-13h30.Where: Modulo 08 (Sala de grados módulo 08), 2nd floor, Facultad de CienciasSpeaker: Tsofar Maniv, TechnionAbstract:The “ideal” superconductivity of pure metals at low temperatures under high magnetic fields is currently not...Nov 8, 2012 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Lunes 12 de noviembre, 15h30Sala de grados módulo 8, 2º planta, Fac. CienciasMarcelo JaimeNational High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory.Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA Oct 25, 2012 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Dear All,For the second talk of the current series of seminars, we have Anton speakingabout his stay at Prof. Canfield’s single crystal growth Laboratory, Ames Lab, USA.Please find the announcement below.We organize these seminars every Friday at 1.00 pm, but...Sep 5, 2012 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Friday 07 September 201212h00 “Thermoelectricity and charging effects in molecular junctions” Where: Seminar room of de Módulo 03Profesor Charles A. StaffordUniversity of Arizona Jul 4, 2012 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Jueves 5 de julio 201212h30-13h30 “Static and driven phases of vortex matter in superconductors with intrinsic and nanopatterned pins”Prof: Gorky Shaw (Senior Research Fellow, Dept.of Physics, IIT Kampur, Kampur, U.P., India)Resumen:The vortex state in a...Jun 13, 2012 | Activities, Events, Seminars
Viernes, 15 de junio 201212h00-13h30 “Explicación del efecto Meissner y otros efectos en superconductores según la teoría de superconductividad por huecos”Prof: Jorge Hirsch (Universidad de California, San Diego)Resumen: La teoría de superconductividad por...