The winners of this issue have been:
- Marcos Arranz Jimenéz
- Sebastián de la Peña Ruiz
- Francisco J. Fernández Alonso
- Clara Galante Agero
- Alejandro Lasso Castillo
- Juan Lizarraga Lallana
The Nicolás Cabrera Institute (INC) calls for 6 awards provided by the Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC, 2 awards) and the Departments of Física de la Materia Condensada, Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, Física de Materiales and Física Aplicada (each 1 award) for research works performed by undergraduate students of Physics.
Deadline, 15 June 2021.
6 awards amounting to 1600 € (including taxes).
See all details at Cartel Research Physics Student 2021.